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Be sure to set aside some time if you plan to fill out your profile thoughtfully. Learn more in our EliteSingles.ca Review. Review of Medications by Program Staff The medications were reviewed by staff to monitor effectiveness and side effects. Medication was titrated as necessary. The veteran/service member has been compliant to the appointments and medication changes ordered by the physician. The veteran/service member has not maintained contact with the staff, and was redirected to do so.

Visit Military Legal Department A. The service member was directed to visit the military legal department (i.e., judge advocate general) at his/her local base/post to review and update documents. The service member was encouraged to review and update his/her will and/or power of attorney. The service member was encouraged to include his/her spouse/legal guardian in this process.

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The constitution may impose restrictions on it. It can be written into the constitution if everyone agrees to it. Otherwise, Ethiopia will experience civil conflicts and revolutions. The Court has the most authority in any nation that wants to advance.

B. The veteran/service member was referred to his/her physician to evaluate whether psychotropic medications might be helpful to induce sleep. The veteran/service member was referred for sleep lab studies. The physician has indicated that physical organic causes for the veteran’s/service member’s sleep disturbance have been found, and a regimen of treatment for these problems has been initiated.

The veteran/service member has not regularly completed his/her sleep pattern record and was redirected to do so. Refer for Medication to Treat Headaches A. Referral to a physician was made for the purpose of evaluation for a prescription of medication to treat headaches. Medications to lessen headaches have been prescribed for the veteran/service member. Teach Headache Avoidance Strategies A. The veteran/service member was taught how to recognize and avoid headache triggers. Triggers such as caffeine, dehydration, and intense physical exercise were reviewed with the veteran/service member. As the veteran/service member has regularly monitored himself/herself for headache triggers, his/her pattern of headaches has significantly decreased; this success was reinforced.

F. The service member has not kept a record of his/her automatic thoughts and was redirected to do so. Reinforce Positive Self-Talk A. The service member was reinforced for any successful replacement of distorted negative thinking with positive, reality-based cognitive messages. It was noted that the service member has been engaging in positive, reality-based thinking that has enhanced his/her self-confidence and increased adaptive action. The service member was assigned to complete the “Positive Self-Talk” assignment from the Adult Psychotherapy Homework Planner, 2nd ed. Teach Thought-Stopping Technique A. The service member was taught to implement a thought-stopping technique for negative thoughts that have been addressed but persist. The service member was taught a specific thought-stopping technique, focusing on a stop sign and then a pleasant scene.

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Probing questions were used to identify the need for further explanation or support for the children. The partners were pressed for an agreement on the further needs that the children have regarding explanation or support. Describe Destructive Anger A. Each partner was asked to describe times when his/her own anger was destructive to the other partner. Support and feedback were provided as the partners reviewed destructive anger experiences. An emphasis was placed on the therapist’s role as serving the best interest of all family members. It was emphasized to the partners that the therapist would not be a mediator or judge.

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“Last year, only few woredas of Oromia were affected by conflict. Currently, eight zones of Oromia have security threats. We failed the people that elected us just last year. The Oromia Regional Government failed to fulfill its duty to protect the civilians. The damage up on our people is shocking.

Arrange for Hospitalization A. Because the veteran/service member was judged to be uncontrollably harmful to himself/herself, arrangements were made for psychiatric hospitalization. The veteran/service member cooperated voluntarily with admission to a psychiatric hospital. The veteran/service member refused to cooperate voluntarily with admission to a psychiatric facility, and therefore commitment procedures were initiated. Inform about Hospitalization A. The veteran’s/service member’s family members were informed about his/her required hospitalization.

Recommendations were made to the service member’s unit leadership in regard to his/her functioning. Normalize Phobias A. A discussion was held about how phobias are very common. The veteran/service member was taught that phobias are a natural but irrational expression of our fight-or-flight response.

The veteran/service member was asked about the frequency, intensity, duration, and history of his/her anxiety symptoms, fear, and avoidance. The veteran/service member was assigned the “How the Trauma Affects Me” portion of the Adult Psychotherapy Homework Planner, 2nd ed. The veteran/service member was provided with support and feedback as he/she described his/her maladaptive pattern of anxiety.